Willamette Coin Club

Advancing the knowledge and enjoyment of numismatics

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How to Attribute Roman Bronze Coins

Sometimes it’s easy, and sometimes a challenge. At our next club meeting on June 20, 2019 JK Kelly will be sharing with you a step by step process to attribute Late Roman bronze coinage, even if you don’t read Latin.

JK will introduce you to the many books, web sites, and other tools to help you on your very own Roman Way.

Sometimes they are not so easy.

And sometimes they are. Yes, that shiny silver looking coin is made of bronze.

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day; the same goes for learning the ins and outs of not only enjoying the object, but learning from it.

Bring a Roman coin that you would like to learn how to attribute.

April 2019 Meeting News

WCC club meeting Thursday, March 21, 2019 was quite full of information. Three presentations by members including two YNs and an extraordinary presentation of the Spanish, and Spanish Colonial coinage of Philip II of Spain. We thank member David S. for a solid trip through this very broad field.

Thirty-Two members were present for the meeting and enjoyed the usual drawing as well as two membership drawings.  The quarterly drawing was finally won by one very excited Young Numismatist (YN).  He went home with the lovely Lady Liberty “aka” Mercury dime US gold piece. Incidentally three other members had their names drawn for the quarterly, but weren’t there.  Make sure you show up next quarter. You snooze, you loose.

The after-meeting group met at their favorite spot, The Old Market Pub on Multnomah Blvd. to indulged in more coin talk and a plethora of late dinner fare. All are invited.

This month’s program will feature Paul B. Paul will share with the membership a few of the items he has won in club drawings since being a club member. 

See you all next Thursday, April 18, 2019 at the Portland Chess Club for our next meeting.  The meeting starts at 7:00 PM.

2019 Exhibit Seminar

On Sunday, January 27, 2019 members of the Willamette Coin Club (WCC) gathered at the club’s home base at the Portland Chess Club for a how to do workshop; Building a Successful Numismatic Exhibit. 
From 1:00 – 4:00 pm James Reinders, national and regional award-winning exhibitor hosted the gathering, and shared his extensive knowledge, techniques and enthusiasm with the attendees.

Topics Discussed:

The purpose of an exhibit is to educate other numismatists. Often the biggest winner is the exhibitor him or herself. The insight gained gathering info not only opens opportunity to learn more, but also to share knowledge with other collectors and the non-collecting public.

What makes a good exhibit ?

Exhibit Rules: what you need to know about exhibiting; WCC,ANA, PNNA, and local club rules.

If you choose to compete – how to win!

Exhibit classes, and exhibit cases. Very often the host club will provide them and you need to let them know in advance.

How collector exhibits are judged; know the rules.

At the conclusion a Q and A session ensued to address any unanswered questions as well as feedback.

So, jump in, enjoy your own creativity, plus count on a little help from your friends.

Cheers to all.

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